Tuesday, May 18, 2010

hip hip hooray..:)

yay, i'm through with all my papers..i never feel this happier..weeeee..i now can finally free myself, no more of college stuff to think of..woohooo..except that hostel withdrawal procedure..what a burden..sok ada plan ngn kwn..before balit umah lusa tok..*wink wink*
last paper tek, fuuh...nang konfem repeat gik subjek ya klak sem depan....killer subject ya pok! anyway, time exam ya, i stared blankly at the question, but my mind were elsewhere, thinking of what status i wanted to set at my facebook, and was thrilled and cant wait of going home this thursday..heee~ worst of all, i just cant help myself from stop smiling like a mad person during exam today..-_- hahahahahah...wtF.. anyway, watching my friends going home before me, is like, urrm, killing me, because i cant be bother to go home as well..aaarrrhhh..i miss a place called HOME..damn, dah ku blom packing, x sabar mok packing but, i'm just too lazy to pack my things..shit, ARENT YOU GOING HOME MAR???!! ~ yeah..i;m coming HOME, just u wait..

mommy daddy, i'm coming home, i miss u so bad..xoxoxo..;) <3 u my family.


juennie said...

blh tahan mar...aku testing komen lok..ngeeee