Tuesday, June 29, 2010

waiting for the rain of money

what is wrong with kids, i mean, youngsters nowadays? all they think of is money, MONEY, money, MONEY!!
 yeah, i've read some of fellow college mate posts on Facebook. they've been waiting for Mara allowance. pathetic! yes, PATHETIC! hello, it's 29th today. It's not yet July.. why do they make such a big fuss?? come on la guys, just because last few months the money came out early, that doesnt mean it will come out early like months before. eeee..bodoh. ingat Mara ya cetak duit hari2 ka. x pnde syukur..*pahal kah aku emo siap backing MARA gik ya* macam taik jak cdak ya emo2 lam FB madah bila gik elaun mok kuar. xda otak kali, rasional la sikit..
~meanwhile, ME, still havent got my ass off from the lappie, aku dah STARVING dr pagi tadi dh, and now it is already 3 o'clock..still havent had my lunch yet. mimang gila suda ini budak oo. tadi bilang lapar, nda juga p makan. P MAKAN SANA, jangan nanti ko kebulur!