what the heck! 1 friend request but no friend in mutual. doh! and what make it worst, no Hometown stated. I checked my email, and got email notification from this nigga who wants to be friend on Facebook. there's maybe 5 or more friends on my FB that has requested me with no friends in mutual. but anyway, i like got requested to become their friends. haha. and talking bout Facebook Amigos, i got updated by whatever reasons they appeared on my news feed..
and some did caught my attention with their posts, they shares link, they play games, and whatsoever. and of all that appeared on my news feed, i have read this post from a Facebook Amigos, O My Gaga, i am too ashamed to re-write it here. -_- heheh, jiwang karat pok! adeeehhh! umur lom gik masok 20 dah jiwang karat. i tell u, one day u will look back of what u have written today, and u will be ashamed with it. kalau iya pun soooo crazy in love, perlu kah post lam FB?? hahahaha.
but, i must admit it too, sometimes it's best to express your feelings by posting it to your FB. dapat relieve sedikit sebanyak feeling kita. sometimes we just cant help ourself to post our anger, happiness or when you are feeling nervous and etc. . well, i did posted some of my angerness on my FB. *meanwhile i just posted something on FB, that says ; "say your prayer Argentina, German already scores their goal. :D haha. " my gosh, i used to ignored everything that has thing to do with FOOTBALL, cant believe i get excited over it too!! what the fnck! ok back to Facebook Amigos stuffy. ada juak some of fellow Facebook Amigos ya post something yang x sedap utk d baca. *salu mun org klakar, ~x sedap utk d dgr* ada la juak org nyindir2 org lain lam FB, huh aku pun kadang2 geram juak ngan stiap word cdak ya, nang x btapis alu. peduli la. ya pasal post. then, x kurang juak orang laki nok kenja2, flirting ngan aku. -_- damn, now here comes the flashback of guy nok ku bkenalan dr FB. and what annoys me most is when that certain guy that came flirting with has already taken.*dah ada gerek* some still available, but uugghh! they're just sooo not my type. there is this guy, salu la juak nya tgo aku, mun nya online, imagine, it is already past afternoon, still havent take his morning bath??! aiyoo.. u are no small kid anymore, u are aged 23! please get a life!
huh. x kuasa ku mok layan lebih2 eh. and there is another guy, kenal dr FB juak, i kinda regret that i have given him my phone number. darn. rajin gilak message aku. dah aku tok jenis nok x brapa gilak mok b-msg. O my Goodness! he's Mirian, keja sbg Bomba *another Bomba hook-up, doh!* kat airport miri. nyesal aku brik no tpon ngn nya. because what? i swear, i'm just not that ready to have a relationship especially, when u only get contact with each other just by telephone and has never yet see each other. well, he has not pop out that Q of; will you be my girlfriend? but he already speaked and planned to buy me a necklace that has my name on it. O My Goodness!! stop it! be real dude! u havent see the real me, and now u already planned of buying me a necklace? no high hopes dude. dont put too much hope okay. i dont know la, actually masa ku kenal ngan c A *bukan nama sbnr* pun sama juak bha, kenal dr FB then mlarat smpe ke sms.tp masa ku bkawan ngn c A, x pulak ku boring or fed up sms ngan nya. tp nok laki keja bomba ya, aku dah nait fed up, and boring. huh, i guess c A ya pnde ambik hati kot, i mean, nya x control bha, nya pnde molah lawak, and nang best la. tp laki keja bomba ya, adoh. ntah la, x pnde ku mok mdh apa. too romantic kot. huh! malas ah.
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