Friday, September 3, 2010

holiday again!

yippie! will off for two weeks holiday starting tomorrow after my last exam. -,-
will leave KCH tomorrow night at 10pm (or is it 9pm?) but seriously, i don't feel thrilled or excited of going back home. but i do mucho mucho miss my family. 
i will not post any more about my so called relationship sca . . you spell it out. 
no más. entender? you're just a waste of time. 
oh yeah. sure. you're just something to keep me busy. something to keep me wasting time.
i'm not that serious with you. and i'm sure, so are you with me.
so, i hope we can call this off soon. - okay, no más.

HOLIDAY! - gonna bring along some books to study at home during this two weeks holiday. 
i had to pretend that i'm studying in front of Dad. or else, both my ears is going to bleed. HAHA. seriously
oh yeah. i can't help myself but next week is my BIRTHDAY! yay to me! :)

oh yeah! GOOD NEWS!
i got back together with Google Chrome again! hoorey! with it new self!
i installed new extensions to Googie; Facebook Chat History Manager and Facebook. 
kinda miss Googie. <3
Googie knows that i don't get along well with Firefox. 
Googie please don't ever leave me again. okay? Love You Googie.