Friday, September 24, 2010

i don't want you no more

ugh! like it or not, i have to be at the same class with that jerk.
it's now impossible for me to consider him as friend like i used to before we're engaged on our previous unofficial relationship.
shyt. now i know the real him, anyway, i'm thankful for giving me the opportunity to know him better.
i noticed that he used to comment on my friend's status on Facebook. mm, he never comment on me.
pfft. boys. boys will always be boys.
luckily we never kissed. EEEWWWW!! that would leave a "scar" to me for the whole life. yikes. thank God. (x ingin aku mok kiss ngan nya doh! x penah ku minta, it NEVER crossed my mind.
now, for a temporary of period, i'm not using my Celcom number, but instead i'm using my DiGi number. to prevent him of contacting me. who knows, just in case. 
i don't want to ever had anything to do with him. anymore. so, bubye.