Friday, December 3, 2010

temperature rising

FUN operation today, ABORTED. sigh. got headache. i don't think it would be okay for me going out with uncertainty weather. as usual, i'm the first to woke up today. while my friends were still in their dreamland. geez, i just realized, for the past few days, i woke up earlier than my friend.
i don't know or maybe because here in Kuching at 6 am it was already bright morning. and plus the windows of our rented room were all naked, i mean, no curtains. i just can't sleep with the bright light of the day coming in. but seriously, i'm not a morning person. 
ugh, it's almost 10 in the morning. gonna have brunch after my friends were all done, and had my panadol. SICKNESS, go away please?