Tuesday, September 7, 2010


got a new addiction. blogshopping. woot! and i'm dying to buy a blazer. just like yours! and yours and yours.
ugh. i was wondering where i could get it in KCH?
how stylo is this not to get it??

i really want those so bad!!
i actually can buy it from online stores like i usually did before, but i just couldn't wait any longer! 
i want it right now right here. mmm, KCH is such a big city, but i have no idea if there is possibility i could get it there.  
no guarantee. ugh. i wanted to buy from online stores but, the thing is, i had to wait until end of this year, only then i can wear it. because i had to use my MKH address, my dad's office address.
guess i hafta pray a lot so that i'll found one in KCH. gah! -,-
and ooh! i want this jeggings too. :) how cool is that? *wink