Sunday, September 12, 2010


Grr! this broadband is really sick.
i'm totally sick of it!
and added by this ungrateful girl living in the same house as we do.
i really get sick. pergh. i hate her. seriously.
some people just have no shame. which is no surprise.
pfft kids. i'm sick seeing her doing nothing like she's the queen. 
ahh! BENCI! ok. now i'm reminded that Hate is a sin.
i just couldn't help myself. she's really a pain in the arse.
bengang ku doe! nang sik sedar dirik alu. dah la senang2 jak minta top-up, pa jak di polah nya di rumah tok?
 nya tok sapa? dah la minta top-up, duduk2 goyang kaki jak di rumah.
sik penah mok mhargai apa di beri oleh parent. soon, our parent will no longer be your parent. 
O MY GOSH! THIS IS FREAKING SICK! i just don't know her anymore. she became someone i knew. she's a stranger to my family now. Good luck with your future, once you left us, there will be no more us. 
POOF! buhbye. please don't come looking for us ever. you're on your own now.
eey! geram aih pikir sal mpuan tok. adik aku kah tok?? rela ku diam ngan adik yang cacat dari ku diam ngan adik yang normal tapi sik pande guna otak. orang nego pun dah melenting. nang sik boleh di tego.
eran. pegi gereja pun sik mok. kena rasuk ka apa?
kali nya pikir kamek org tok anok nya saja2 mok nyakit ati nya bha. nya sik pikir kamek orang tok macam ney. kamek orang tok lagi bengang dari nya. jaoh lam ati, kamek orang kecewa bha! aduinaaa. nda tau mau bilang apa suda ni. cakap teda guna sudah. tapi makin lama dia ada sama kami urang sini, makin sia sakit ati tengok dia.